Kalimat Passive Voice Past Continuous Tense Contoh dan Soal - don-english
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Kalimat Passive Voice Past Continuous Tense Contoh dan Soal

Kalimat Passive Voice Past Continuous Tense Contoh dan Soal
Kalimat Passive Voice Past Continuous Tense Contoh dan Soal

Don-english: Materi Passive Voice Dalam Past Continuous Tense Lengkap Dengan Contoh dan Soal

I. Pendahuluan

    Passive voice past continuous tense digunakan untuk menyoroti aksi yang sedang berlangsung pada suatu titik waktu di masa lalu tanpa harus menekankan pelaku. Misalnya, "The cake was being baked," mengarahkan fokus pada proses pembuatan kue tanpa mencantumkan siapa yang melakukannya. 

    Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk membimbing pembaca melalui konsep dan penerapan praktis passive voice dalam konteks past continuous tense, membuka wawasan mereka terhadap variasi yang dapat digunakan dalam konstruksi kalimat.

II. Passive Voice Overview

A. Definisi Passive Voice

    Passive voice adalah konstruksi kalimat di mana objek menerima aksi dari pelaku tanpa secara eksplisit menyebutkan pelaku tersebut. Dalam past continuous tense, passive voice menyoroti kejadian atau kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung pada suatu waktu di masa lalu. Contohnya, "The report was being written," menekankan bahwa laporan sedang ditulis pada suatu saat di masa lalu.

B. Kapan Menggunakan Passive Voice

    Pemahaman kapan menggunakan passive voice menjadi kunci untuk menghasilkan kalimat yang lebih variatif dan efektif. Passive voice efektif digunakan ketika pembicara ingin menekankan objek atau tindakan itu sendiri tanpa harus memberikan penekanan pada pelaku. 

    Situasi di mana passive voice sering digunakan melibatkan kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung atau ketika pelaku kurang penting untuk diketahui. Contohnya, "The concert was being enjoyed by the audience," menekankan bahwa yang penting adalah pengalaman konser oleh penonton, bukan siapa yang menyelenggarakannya.

C. Penggunaan Kalimat Pasif Past Continuos

1. Deskripsi Kejadian Bersamaan di Masa Lalu:
  • Contoh: While I was studying, my roommate was playing the guitar.
  • (Saat saya sedang belajar, teman sekamar saya sedang memainkan gitar.)
2. Menggambarkan Aksi yang Terjadi Sebelum Aksi Lain di Masa Lalu:
  • Contoh: They were already cooking dinner when I entered the kitchen.
  • (Mereka sudah sedang memasak makan malam ketika saya masuk ke dapur.)
3. Menyampaikan Rasa Kepanasan atau Ketenangan Suatu Saat di Masa Lalu:
  • Contoh: It was midnight, and the wind was howling outside.
  • (Waktu itu tengah malam, dan angin bertiup keras di luar.)

III. Passive Constructions in Past Continuous

A. Konstruksi Rumus Passive Voice dalam Past Continuous

    Konstruksi kalimat passive voice dalam Past Continuous Tense melibatkan penggunaan past continuous dari "to be" (was being/were being) dan past participle. Contohnya, "The house was being painted when it started raining." Ini menunjukkan bahwa suatu waktu di masa lalu, rumah sedang dalam proses pengecatan, namun hujan mulai turun.

1. Pola Umum:
  • Contoh: The bridge was being repaired during rush hour.
  • (Jembatan sedang diperbaiki selama jam sibuk.)
2. Pelaku Tidak Diketahui atau Tidak Diungkapkan:
  • Contoh: The message was being transmitted when the signal was lost.
  • (Pesan sedang ditransmisikan ketika sinyal hilang.)
3. Keterangan Waktu Menekankan Durasi Aksi:
  • Contoh: The flowers were being watered all morning by the gardeners.
  • (Bunga-bunga sedang disiram sepanjang pagi oleh tukang kebun.)

B. Perbedaan dengan Active Voice

    Perbedaan antara kalimat aktif dan pasif dalam konteks Past Continuous Tense dapat memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang cara kalimat dibentuk dan bagaimana fokusnya dapat berubah. Dalam kalimat aktif, pelaku tindakan menjadi pusat perhatian, sementara dalam kalimat pasif, objek atau tindakan yang sedang dilakukan menjadi fokus utama. Memahami perbedaan ini membantu pembaca dalam membuat kalimat yang sesuai dengan konteks dan niat komunikasinya.

1. Aktor Tindakan dalam Passive Voice:
  • Contoh Active Voice: The chef was cooking a delicious meal.
  • Contoh Passive Voice: A delicious meal was being cooked by the chef.
2. Fokus pada Proses atau Kejadian dalam Passive Voice:
  • Contoh Active Voice: They were planning the event.
  • Contoh Passive Voice: The event was being planned by them.
3. Active Voice Menekankan Pelaku, Passive Voice Menekankan Tindakan:
  • Contoh Active Voice: The kids were eating ice cream.
  • Contoh Passive Voice: Ice cream was being eaten by the kids.
4. Urutan Aksi Lebih Jelas dalam Active Voice:
  • Contoh Active Voice: While I was reading, she was singing.
  • Contoh Passive Voice: While reading, a song was being sung by her.
5. Active Voice Lebih Sederhana, Passive Voice Lebih Formal:
  • Contoh Active Voice: They were building a new house.
  • Contoh Passive Voice: A new house was being built by them.

IV. Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Past Continuous Beserta Artinya

  1. The cake was being baked when the power went out. (Kue sedang dipanggang ketika listrik mati.)
  2. The novel was being read aloud by the teacher as the students listened attentively. (Novel sedang dibacakan oleh guru sambil siswa mendengarkan dengan penuh perhatian.)
  3. While the guests were arriving, decorations were being hung in the ballroom. (Saat tamu-tamu tiba, dekorasi sedang dipasang di ruang balai.)
  4. The documentary was being filmed in the remote jungle when the unexpected weather disrupted the production. (Film dokumenter sedang difilmkan di hutan belantara ketika cuaca yang tidak terduga mengganggu produksi.)
  5. As the students were taking the exam, the classroom was being observed by the principal. (Saat siswa-siswa sedang ujian, kelas diamati oleh kepala sekolah.)
  6. The athletes were being trained intensively when the news about the upcoming championship was announced. (Atlet-atlet sedang dilatih secara intensif ketika berita tentang kejuaraan mendatang diumumkan.)
  7. While the party was happening, surprise gifts were being prepared for the guests. (Saat pesta berlangsung, hadiah kejutan sedang disiapkan untuk para tamu.)
  8. The old house was being renovated while the family stayed with relatives. (Rumah tua sedang direnovasi sementara keluarga tinggal bersama kerabat.)
  9. While the storm was raging outside, the rescue operation was being coordinated by the emergency team. (Saat badai melanda di luar, operasi penyelamatan sedang dikoordinasikan oleh tim darurat.)
  10. The manuscript was being edited by the author as the deadline for submission approached. (Naskah sedang diedit oleh penulis ketika batas waktu pengumpulan semakin dekat.)

V. Contoh Soal Passive Voice Past Continuous Beserta Jawabannya

1. Apa kalimat pasif yang benar dari kalimat aktif berikut?
Kalimat Aktif: The children were playing games.
  • A. Games were being played by the children.
  • B. The games were played by the children.
  • C. The games were being playing by the children.
  • D. Games played were the children.
2. Apa kalimat pasif yang melengkapi kalimat aktif berikut?
Kalimat Aktif: While the students were playing games, ______________.
  • A. games played by the students.
  • B. the students played games.
  • C. games were being played by the students.
  • D. played games by the students.
3. Pilih kalimat aktif yang melengkapi kalimat pasif berikut.
Kalimat Pasif: The cake was being baked by the baker, and at the same time, ______________.
  • A. the baker baked the cake.
  • B. the cake was baked by the baker.
  • C. the cake was being baking by the baker.
  • D. baked the cake by the baker.
4. Pilih kalimat aktif yang melengkapi kalimat pasif berikut.
Kalimat Pasif: The news was being reported by the journalist, and simultaneously, ______________.
  • A. the journalist was reporting the news.
  • B. the news reported by the journalist.
  • C. the news was being reporting by the journalist.
  • D. reporting the news by the journalist.
5. Pilih kalimat aktif yang sesuai dengan kalimat pasif berikut.
Kalimat Pasif: The song was being sung by the choir.
  • A. The choir was singing the song.
  • B. The choir sang the song.
  • C. The song was sung by the choir.
  • D. The song sung was by the choir.


  1. A. Games were being played by the children.
  2. C. games were being played by the students.
  3. A. the baker baked the cake.
  4. A. the journalist was reporting the news.
  5. C. The song was sung by the choir.

VI. Kesimpulan dan Penutup

    Dalam menggali lebih dalam tentang penggunaan passive voice dalam past continuous tense, kita menyadari bahwa konstruksi ini dapat memberikan nuansa yang berbeda dalam menyampaikan informasi. Dengan mengubah fokus dari pelaku ke tindakan atau objek, kalimat menjadi lebih fleksibel dan memberikan variasi dalam struktur kalimat. Penggunaan past continuous tense dalam passive voice sangat bergantung pada konteks dan kebutuhan penulis untuk menyampaikan pesan dengan jelas.

    Melalui pembahasan artikel ini, diharapkan pembaca dapat lebih percaya diri dalam menggunakan passive voice dalam konteks past continuous tense. Teruslah eksplorasi dan praktikkan penggunaan passive voice past dalam continuous tense.

Syahrul R
Syahrul R bachelor degree